Wednesday, January 12, 2011

9 Years and Counting

It doesn't hardly seem possible that nine years have passed since I was ordained to the priesthood of God's church, but as they say, "Time flies when you are having fun." Well its not all been fun, but most of it has been. And the parts that have not been fun have been worth it. Our children have always brought us more Joy than sorrow. Serving God has always had a cross at the middle of it, but the way of the cross is life and peace. Bi-vocational service has lingered far longer than I had anticipated when we began this mission. I had ambitiously thought that in 2 or 3 years we would have a self sustaining parish. However, when I said "yes" to God, it was without conditions, and escape clauses. Besides, look at what I would have missed: All the people in whose lives we have sown the seed of the gospel, through the business; Years of working with my boys teaching them the trade, and so much more; Teaching them that the Christian way, is more than what we do at church-- it's how we live our lives, together as a family, how we work, the quality of our efforts, doing our best at whatever we do, to the Glory of God: the peaceful rest enjoyed by one who has worked long and hard all day long.

I can hope that one or more of my boys might get called to orders, and follow in my foot steps. But if not I want them to know that for the Christian there are few secular vocations. The only truly secular profession is the one that CAN NOT be done for the Glory of God. What ever we do, we do our best, and work at it with all of our might, for the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ. Life lessons are not taught in the class room. They are learned in the bump and grind of life. Our lives are an offering to God, poured out for His Honor and glory.

Nine years, really isn't that long after all. If God allows, I will give Him many more,
and when I finally lay this body down, by His grace it will be well spent.